Friday, April 11, 2008

How could you!?

This is the first and only chance I get to make an impression. I guess, really, it is up to you as the reader to choose whether or not you like me. I'm not typing online for anyone else's satisfaction but my own. I have found plenty of releases, and I am still young. Some of them have been bad; some have been healthy. But as we continue to grow, we seek more and more ways of learning how to cope with the problems we develop. So this is my attempt to self-heal. There is nothing wrong with me. I just think I have too many things to say; and to never say them at all would be a waste of a person and a disposal of a mind.

So how could I? Why am I writing this? I need this. I just need it. I can learn a lot from you; and you, me.

I'm not asking you to say with me, or to agree with everything I say. I just want the satisfaction of knowing that there are other people out in the world who know and feel what I go through, and I can learn more from them. Because the people who live a perfect life-those are the people who won't know how to deal with problems if they come. When they come.

I'll be here. I will, I will.

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